Friday, December 27, 2019
Bioethics in Medicine, Exemplified by the Karen Ann...
It is accepted that the advances in resuscitation techniques, initiated and influenced the evolution of bioethics by bringing to the fore the questions of: (i) just allocation of scarce medical resource, health care (ii) the nature of â€Å"being†, and (iii) the proper purpose of medicine. The main issues that caused the emergence, or the study and introduction of bioethics was the introduction of modern technology in medicine in the form of respirators and artificial heart machines. The media attention to the Karen Ann Quinlan case made the issues public. The Karen Ann Quinlan case serves as a perfect example of these new issues. She was diagnosed with a persistent vegetative state, and her life was sustained with a respirator and†¦show more content†¦This implies a downgrading of the importance of the human body. The most important lesson learned from this case was the revising of medical treatment. Medicine should treat patients as autonomous subjects. Thus came about the development of autonomy based ethics principles. â€Å"Ethics needs principles – four can encompass the rest – and the respect for autonomy should be ‘first among equals†. (Gillon, 2003) The limitations regarding, â€Å"the right to life†was a topical issue at the time of the Karen Quinlan case. The court ruled that the decision should be in the hands of ethics committees, another important realisation from the Quinlan case ruling. Many ethics committees were formed to make the decisions. Hospitals and all extended care facilities got an ethics committee. It was thought that they should be the decision making body in the future. However, it is now the opinion of experts that the authority of the ethics committees is limited. Any decision must belong to patients, and/ or their proxy. Out of this case there has also developed advanced health directives, which led to a society becoming aware of the need to create living wills as to what family members were to do or not to do in conditions of â€Å"extraordinary†medical care. The power of attorney also came to the forefront. Many people today would recognise the name of Terry Schiavo. Karen
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Effects Of Junk Food Essay - 714 Words
Stop poisoning your body and break your junk food habit What is junk food? Junk food is a kind of unhealthy food that contains high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. One Bad Meal Can Mess with Your Health The danger of the effects of junk food is that they are underestimated, you cant even imagine what will happen to your body after only one meal Published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology show this fact â€Å"It doesnt take a virtual month to experience the health effects of a poor diet. In fact, the changes happen after just one meal†Learning more about short-term and long-term effects of bad eating habit may inspire you to make unhealthy eating an exception rather than a†¦show more content†¦But some of the ingredients in fast foods can have a similar addictive effect. There are some kinds of food that can trigger craving and withdrawal, responses that are similar to those produced by addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco Your mind becomes unable to resist the refined salt and sugar, once you become addicted, the cravings are out of control until you are ready to take control. Here’s how to kick the habit. As with other addictive substances, Breaking these addictions and rewiring your brain is easier than you might think. When you Think right and make the right choices Follow these tips to cut down on sugar and break your junk food habit: Identify your triggers Awareness is an important first step. Pay attention to those moments when your cravings start so you can figure out what unleashed them. Eat Right. If you already have a healthy meal prepared, that will help you avoid unhealthy choices. Your meal must contain: Protein (found in fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and beans). Fat (found in animal and dairy products, nuts, and oils). Carbohydrates (found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans and other legumes). Low-fat and fat-free dairy products. Minerals (such as calcium, potassium, and iron). Reduce your intake of added sugar: you must eliminate refinedShow MoreRelatedHigh Consumption Of Junk Food Essay1206 Words  | 5 Pagesconsuming large amounts of foods high in salt, fat and sugar due to low costs and easy accessibility. High consumption of junk-food is detrimental to human health and has resulted in the consideration of junk-food taxes all over the world in order to defeat the current obesity epidemic (Encarnaà §Ãƒ £o et al., 2016). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
General Theory Of Marketing Consumer Ethics â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The General Theory Of Marketing Consumer Ethics? Answer: Introducation The product manager of a confectionery corporation seeks to make a deal with a company that is based in Thailand for the supply of toys that the company sells. The Thailand firms give a very attractive deal by offering prices that are two-thirds the Portuguese suppliers are offering. However, the Thailand organization does not have an official workshop, but every morning men collect materials, take them home to work on them together with their families. The men then return the finished goods and collect their pay. Following this case study, some ethical dilemmas exist. First, as a product manager, closing a deal that will cost the company less money is a step towards minimizing operations cost. This could earn the product manager a promotion opportunity and bonuses (Beauchamp, et al. 2004, pg.78). However, the performance of this deal is possible at the expense of underage children who are exploited in Thailand. Secondly, reporting the matter to the necessary authorities would lead to penalties for the Thailand Company, and termination of the deal with the confectionery company. Besides, it would provide no chances for promotion to the product manager. On the contrary, reporting the matter would protect the reputation of the firm and save underage children from exploitive activities but also affect these families incomes. On a personal perspective, I would protect the rights of the minority. Besides, the deal could have significant repercussions on the reputation of the company. Though bonuses and promotion may not be obtained, it is legal and ethical to report the matter to Thailands administration. Such exploitation of children goes against the universal rules and are at the expense of the childrens future. Secondly, I would terminate the deal on the basis that their production methods are illegal according to human rights. These actions will protect the companys reputation and protect the young children in Thailand (Johnson, 2017, Pg. 16).; "Who cares who shares?" PCC is a pharmaceutical and chemicals company that is performing well according to the stock market records. However, recent information shows that the prices of PCC will be affected. A company meeting provided that a scientific research had lethal outcomes. Since the finding are set to be reported in an industry magazine, this would damage the firm and consequently lead to the fall of PCC financials. As an employee in the company, stocks held will reduce in value and so will those of a dear friend and his client. There are definitely ethical issues. This case presents some ethical dilemmas and depending on the actions taken it could lead to legal consequences. First, during the meeting to report this issue, it was asked that the matter remain confidential and strategies formulated on how to deal with the problem. However, remaining confidential means the dear friend and his clients will suffer significant losses once the matter becomes public information. Secondly, as a holder of PCC stock, selling share together with other employees could lead to suspicion and affect the company. It will also be a case of insider trading that is punishable by law. Therefore, on a personal perspective, my ethical solution would be retaining the information as confidential and strategizing on how to deal with the issue as an organization (Carroll, and Buchholtz, 2014, pg. 105). First, I would propose the termination of the drug with lethal side-effects should cease. However, losses will be incurred. As a person, selling the shares will save me a lot of money but with the risk of being charged with insider trading (Crane, and Matten, 2016, pg. 64). Telling my friend would also have similar effects. Though remaining quiet may affect the friendship, it is the ethical thing to do. I would develop strategies to sustain the reputation of the company may help regain the value of the shares. "Off your face on Facebook", As a human resource manager, the task of recruiting personnel falls under this job description. At AllCure pharmaceuticals, the human resource manager needs to hire a new team member to fill a position in the clinical trials department. Luckily, two applicants have qualifications making them equally suitable for the job. However, after social media research, one of the applicants has an incriminating social media page. Her page shows that she has taken illegal drugs and some photos of her are taken while partially naked. This situation raises some ethical dilemmas for the HR manager. Using social media to screen applicant is considered risky and quite unethical. This is because it involves invading the applicants privacy and the information gathered may create a biased opinion about the applicants. Nonetheless, for justifiable reasons such as participating in illegal activities could form a basis for disqualifying a candidate using social media (Ferrell, and Fraedrich, 2015, pg. 165). In this case, the ethical dilemmas related to wrongful disqualification and protecting the reputation of the company. Disqualify the candidate with an incriminating Facebook page is unethical as her personal issues lack adverse impacts on others. However, her former actions will implicate the companys image. On a personal viewpoint, I would place the two applicants on probation. This gives both candidates equal opportunities to prove their value to the company on a leveled platform. It will also provide an opportunity to gain an unbiased opinion of the applicant with an implicating Facebook page (Kluemper, 2013, pg. 13). Nonetheless, I would develop strategies to remove those pictures and discussed them with the candidate to ensure that she approves. As such, the company will not only observe their capabilities first-hand but also examines their abilities to relate to people within the organization and contribute to teamwork. After the probation period, the candidate with better performance and who is also best suited should be chosen to fill the position. It will also ensure that the operations of the clinical trials are not stalled (Melanthiou, Pavlou, and Constantinou, 2015. Pg. 43). "Organic Food - what's an 'organic' label worth?" There is an increasing demand for organic products globally. However, the production of organic foods takes almost twice as much land and effort as using conventional methods. Though consumers are willing to pay for these premium products, the supply can barely meet the demand. In the USA and Europe alone, up to ninety percent of the population demands organic products. Consequently, these governments have supply labels to protect consumers and only give an allowance of 95% organic. Nevertheless, ethical problems have been encountered. They range from shell companies supplying counterfeit labels to farmers to companies replacing organic ingredients with inorganic ones. A number of ethical issues have to be considered. First, consumers have inferior information to corporations and can only rely on the integrity of the government. Misleading advertisements such as using counterfeit labels and altering ingredients affect consumer choices. Besides, some countries such as China and Italy have been found in grave misconduct. Fraud cases have been encountered with conventional products being relabeled as organic (Nuttavuthisit, and Thgersen, 2017, pg. 325). On the other hand, it is less expensive to grow conventional products than organic. The former requires less space while the latter, however, has an adverse impact on the environment. On a personal perspective, I would advises companies to avoid fraudulent behavior by reporting the correct information relating to the ingredients in their products. Secondly, I would place stringent measures on countries using banned pesticides to grow their products. Thirdly, I would advise the government to implement procedures to determine the nature of the products offered to the society by ensuring integrity in the offices that provide these labels (Vitell, and Hunt, 2015, pg. 22). In the meantime, new methods of dealing with climatic issues should be developed. Agroforestry should be employed to solve the problems that may arise such as cutting down of trees. "Uzbek Cotton: a new spin on responsible sourcing" Cotton is a common raw material in the manufacturing of clothes. This raw material is sourced from different nations. However, the supply of cotton has been associated with cases of child and forced labor coupled with poor working conditions. Uzbekistan is one of the leading countries that supply cotton worldwide. It is also reported to exploit children and adults in the harvest of cotton. Most importantly, the government forces its people to harvest cotton, pay low wages and official reap most of the benefits. Since government action was not possible, international organization resulted in compelling the buyers of cotton, clothing companies, to boycott Uzbekistan cotton. This was initially met with resistance and denial of any knowledge of human rights violations (Kolk, 2016, pg.32). Following the facts of this case, numerous ethical issues arise. First, the cotton supply chain is compromised. The buyers of cotton mix their products making it a challenge to trace the origin of cotton. Boycotting Uzbekistan cotton reduces cotton supply and affects revenues for the buyers raising ethical dilemmas. Secondly, the supply of cotton from Uzbekistan relies on child and forced labor. This is a violation of human rights. The working conditions are poor and the wages paid are low. For Uzbekistan government, ethical dilemmas lie between revenues and the exploitation of citizens (Donnelly, 2013, pg. 21). Lastly, the clothing industry claims to have no knowledge of the issue, yet they benefit from countries using forced labor to supply cotton. Based on the above ethical problems, I would install measures that are appropriate in the protection of Uzbekistan citizens. However, I would work with international organizations to influence a change in the administration of Uzbekistan. The government should increase media freedom and abolish forced and child labor. Additionally, the wage rate policy should be revised to distribute more money to the people rather than corrupt officials. Besides, the country should embrace democracies (Tomuschat, 2014, pg. 16). These approaches should solve the ethical issues relating to cotton supply. References Beauchamp, T.L., Bowie, N.E. and Arnold, D.G. eds., 2004. Ethical theory and business. Carroll, A. and Buchholtz, A., 2014. Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Donnelly, J., 2013. Universal human rights in theory and practice. Cornell University Press. Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015. Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Johnson, C.E., 2017. Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow. Sage Publications. Kluemper, D.H., 2013. Social network screening: pitfalls, possibilities, and parallels in employment selection. In Social media in human resources management. (pp. 1-21). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Kolk, A., 2016. The social responsibility of international business: From ethics and the environment to CSR and sustainable development. Journal of World Business, 51(1), pp.23-34. Melanthiou, Y., Pavlou, F. and Constantinou, E., 2015. The use of social network sites as an e-recruitment tool. Journal of Transnational Management, 20(1), pp.31-49. Nuttavuthisit, K. and Thgersen, J., 2017. The importance of consumer trust for the emergence of a market for green products: The case of organic food. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(2), pp.323-337. Tomuschat, C., 2014. Human rights: between idealism and realism. OUP Oxford. Vitell, S.J. and Hunt, S.D., 2015. The general theory of marketing ethics: the consumer ethics and intentions issues. Handbook on ethics and marketing, pp.15-37.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Richard III Themes Essays - English People, Richard III Of England
Richard III Themes In the play, Richard the III, by William Shakespeare, the character Richard (Duke of Gloucester) is a very manipulative and deceiving person. Richard acts like this in order to fulfill his dream to become King. And since he is at the bottom of a long, long list to be King, he has a lot of people to deceive. But when he does manipulate people, such as his brothers, Lady Anne, and Buckingham, he does without mercy and conscience. Richard's brothers are one of the first people to be manipulated and he does it by making them think that one is trying to kill the other. From Richard's opening soliloquy from the beginning of the play he tells us: And if King Edward be as true and just As I am subtle, false and treacherous, This day should Clarence closely be mew'd up, About a prophecy, which says that 'G' Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be.(I,I, ) And this is where King Edward the IV comes up with the assumption that their brother(George Duke Of Clarence) is going to murder him. So King Edward locks George up in the tower after Richard tells him about his false dream. Then Richard works his deceiving mind on George saying, "And whatsoever you will employ me in,/Were it to call King Edward's widow sister,/ I will perform it to enfranchise you." (I,I, ) And what Richard is saying if you want I will kill the King for you so that you can get revenge for this terrible act committed against you. And just like that the two brothers already hate each other. Richard is a very smart and deceptive man. But the real question should be whether he has the intelligence to win the love an affection of a women who has lost her father and husband to the hands of Richard. The funny thing is that Richard does accomplish this feat. Lady Anne, when we meet her in the beginning of Act I, Scene II, has a bitter hatred towards Richard. She even puts several curses on him such as, "If ever he have child, abortive be it,/Prodigious, and untimely brought to light,/Whose ugly and unnatural aspect/May fright the hopeful mother at the view,"(I,II, ). But her attitude soon changes as Richard weaves his web of deceit. Richard makes her believe that the reason why he murdered her husband and father was over her beauty. That he was committing the acts for her sake, "Your beauty was the cause of that effect;/Your beauty: which did haunt me in my sleep/To undertake the death of all the world,/So I might live one hour in your sweet bosom.", that it was her love that he was trying to win and all opposition would perish if they were in his way. And as soon as Richard said those words, Lady Anne starts to question her thoughts and mentality. And that is when it all goes down hill for her and by the end of the scene Lady Anne is wearing Richard's ring. Yet there is still one character that is essential to Richard's plans and that is Buckingham. Buckingham seems like a strong and intelligent man yet he can not comprehend the power behind Richard. For instance, Buckingham is thanking the Queen Margaret for not putting a curse on him but then Richard asked what did she say and Buckingham replies, "Nothing that I respect, my gracious Lord", and in saying that he has just disrespected Queen Margaret. Richard even goes so far in manipulating Buckingham, that Buckingham himself breaks his own curse by going against the Queen Elizabeth in which he said he would never do. He is also becoming Richard's right hand man even though Richard makes it look vice-versa. And just by manipulating these few people, he has turned bother against brother, turned a woman who hated him into his wife, and turned a man who was loyal to everyone to Richard's accomplice. Richard's power of deceit and manipulation is about a thousand times higher than anybody in "Richard the III", by William Shakespeare, which makes for a wild and interesting ride.
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