Thursday, August 27, 2020
TKAM essays
TKAM articles Japan was a savvy, growing and an enormous nation. These focuses however helped in the loss of the war. Japan lost World War 2 through various viewpoints from before the war and during the war. The mistakes made played essential moves in the war and as the blunders counted up the war headed USAs way. Prior to the war, Japan had just made wrong suppositions. The principal wrong presumption made by the Japanese was that Germany would win the war in Europe with the goal that the US and Britain couldn't turn their whole quality against Japan which would mean Japan had a more grounded power and could picked whether to attack or not attack US and Britain. Also, US needed battling soul and they imagined that the bombarding of Pearl Harbor would leave US dispirited and request traded off harmony. This didn't lose their battling soul however made them much progressively urged to win, Yesterday, December 7, 1941-date which will live in disgrace said by President Roosevelt. Ultimately Japan believed that the besieging of Pearl Harbor would make the US have scarcely any boats and along these lines would set aside a long effort to reconstruct. Japan neglected to sink 3 plane carrying warships adrift and these transporters was utilized to acceptable impact at the clash of Midway. A significant part of the delivery crushed in Pearl Harbor was substandard and out of date. They had thought little of USs mechanical force which drove along these lines to war. During the war Japan had many wrong doings. Right off the bat the Army and naval force caused Japans war exertion to debilitate. Little Coordination was invigorated in military and activities and the naval force and armed force needed to do various things, for example, assault and safeguard. In fights both of the powers didn't bolster one another. Japans military pioneers were hesitant to modify their war methodology to manage new partnered strategic strategies. They depended a lot on the battling soul of the Japanese powers and didnt look incredible enough into strategies. The impacts of depending on the fi... <! tkam papers In Harper Lees epic, To Kill A Mocking Bird you see that development of a portion of the characters is obviously clear, especially Scouts. You see this by the manner in which she acts before Miss Maudie, Calpurnia and Mrs. Alexandra Finch. Close to her dad, Scout regards and likes most Miss Maudie. They have an extraordinary relationship and the two of them love each other profoundly. At the point when Scout initially acquaint us with Miss Maudie (in part 5), she reveals to every one of us the most pleasant things about her. She discusses the amount she and Jem confided in Miss Maudie and what an old buddy she was. They confided in her since she never told on them, never got away with tomfoolery with them, and on the grounds that she was not in the least inspired by their private lives, (pg. 44-45) not at all like most Maycomb individuals. This is likewise why Scout regarded Miss Maudie so much and why she advised her, Miss Maudie, you are the best woman I know (page 45) . Miss Maudie consistently made cakes for Scout, Jem and Dill, and she welcomed them over to eat them and furthermore to play in her patio. One summer, Scout spent the entire second 50% of the late spring with Miss Maudie. They sat in the entryway pati o, viewed the dusk, talked, and dealt with Miss Maudie's nursery. That is when Scout turned out to be near Miss Maudie. Scout appreciated Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie was her legend. Calpurnia is a significant character in the novel. Scout has known Calpurnia her entire life and fundamentally lived with her, however they weren't close. Scout never enjoyed Calpurnia without question, generally on the grounds that she generally griped about her conduct. She was continually requesting her out of the kitchen, asking her for what reason she was unable to carry on just as Jem when she knew he was more established, and calling her home when she wasn't prepared to come. There talking resembled engaging and uneven. Calpurina consistently won, principally on the grounds that Atticus consistently agreed with her position. Another motivation behind why Scout didn't care for Calpurnia is on the grounds that she made her training writ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Difference Between Form1.Hide and Unload Me in VB 6
Contrast Between Form1.Hide and Unload Me in VB 6 Stow away and Unload are methods in Visual Basic 6-VB.NET does things another way. In VB6, you can see the distinction plainly by making a structure with a CommandButton part and a test explanation in the Click occasion. Note that these two explanations are totally unrelated, so just each can be tried in turn. Visual Basic 6 Unload Statement The Unload articulation expels the structure from memory. In most straightforward VB6 ventures, Form1 is the startup object so the program quits running as well. To demonstrate this, code the principal program with Unload. Private Sub Command1_Click()   Unload MeEnd Sub At the point when the catch is clicked in this task, the program stops. Visual Basic 6Hide Statement To demonstrate Hide, run this code in VB6 so the Hide technique for Form1 is executed. Private Sub Command1_Click()   Form1.HideEnd Sub Notice that Form1 vanishes from the screen, however the square End symbol on the Debug toolbar showsâ the venture is as yet dynamic. In the event that youre in question, the Windows Task Manager that is shown with CtrlAltDel shows the venture is still in Run mode. Speaking With a Hidden Form The Hide strategy just expels the structure from the screen. Nothing else changes. For instance, another procedure can at present speak with objects on the structure after the Hide strategy is called. Heres a program that exhibits that. Add another structure to the VB6 venture and afterward include a Timer componentâ and this code to Form1: Private Sub Command1_Click()   Form1.Hide   Form2.ShowEnd Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer()   Form2.Hide   Form1.ShowEnd Sub In Form2, include a Command button control and this code: Private Sub Command1_Click()   Form1.Timer1.Interval 10000 10 seconds   Form1.Timer1.Enabled TrueEnd Sub At the point when you run the venture, tapping the catch on Form1 makes Form1 vanish and Form2 show up. In any case, tapping the catch on Form2 utilizes the Timer part on Form1 to hold up 10 seconds before making Form2 vanish and Form1 show up again despite the fact that Form1 isnt noticeable. Since the venture is as yet running, Form1 continues showing up like clockwork a method you may use to drive an associate deranged one day.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Human Trafficking Argumentative Essay Topics - Creative Argumentative Essays
Human Trafficking Argumentative Essay Topics - Creative Argumentative EssaysYou must create and use human trafficking argumentative essay topics that will make a difference in your students' lives. If you give them an alternative and connect human trafficking with alternative energy sources, then you are likely to inspire and delight them.Some of the most popular human trafficking argumentative essay topics include: the purpose of business, contributing to global issues, employment versus profit, and capitalism vs. socialism. Each one of these topics has different benefits that you should highlight. You need to tell the story of each of these arguments to them and persuade them that you have good reasons for each one. This will create a better education for them and more positive influences on their lives.In addition to the popular, human trafficking argumentative essay topics above, you can also include the story of slavery in the US. In this case, you could also say that slavery is a form of trafficking, but not as well publicized as the other forms of trafficking. This will help them feel like they have a voice and a place at the table.You can also create good human trafficking argumentative essay topics that include the role of women in society. One reason that so many children are neglected in the world today is because of the world's failure to acknowledge the position of women. You can also point out that by not acknowledging women's role in society they are losing so many opportunities. These women are making a living and ensuring the survival of their families through labor.Finally, you can bring up the importance of peace in the world by connecting human trafficking to environmental issues. It is the rising carbon emissions and the lack of solutions to stop it that are causing the planet to change. By talking about how human trafficking affects the environment, you can show them the way forward to solve the problem. The only problem with creating a pe rsuasive essay topic for human trafficking is that you will be limited to what the professor suggests. That is unless you prepare your own persuasive essay topic. There are various topics that can help you create a persuasive essay topic. Here are some examples:You will be able to research online and find lots of persuasive essays that can help you come up with a persuasive essay topic for human trafficking. Using a persuasive essay topic to bring awareness about the problems in the world is one way to affect change. You can learn more about persuasive essay topics for other persuasive topics for free at Pro-Students.Creating persuasive essay topics for human trafficking is a great way to contribute to the world. Make a strong argument for human trafficking and then use it to persuade your students to agree with you. Have fun!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sexism in The Work Place Essay - 1286 Words
Introduction Sexism is the ideology that maintains that one sex is inherently inferior to the other. Sexism or discrimination based on gender has been a social issue for many years; it is the ideology that one sex is superior or inferior to the other. Sexism does not only affect females, but also males. Men are very often victimized by social stereotypes and norms based on gender expectations. Sexism has appears in almost all social institutions including family, the media, religion, sports, the military, politics, and the government. However, although both genders are affected, men have benefited from sexism the most (Thompson 300-301.) Sexism is much like racism in a sense that it is the unequal treatment of individuals based on an†¦show more content†¦Women for years have been automatically given the role of the domestic housewife, where their only job is to cook, clean, and take care of the children. Men have usually taken the primary responsibility for economic support and contact with the rest of society, while women have traditionally taken the role of providing love, nurturing, emotional support, and maintenance of the home. However, in today’s society women over the age of sixteen work outside of the home, and there are more single parent households that are headed by women than at any other time in the history of the United States (Thompson 301.) The modern day woman works outside of the home, but then returns and continues to take care of housework and the children. Sociologists refer to this part of the woman’s day as the, â€Å"Second shift.†Two studies conducted found that if a man is more economically dependent on his wife, he is less likely to do housework. However, no evidence suggests that becoming economically independent makes marriage any less desirable for a woman. The family is the initial agent of socialization in their child’s life, however, even though the mother of the family may have the job with longer hours and better pay, the parents will still reinforce traditional gender roles in their household (Thompson 301-302.) This behavior can cause a child to embrace the stereotype that the woman’s only role is to cook, clean, and take care of the children. Even if a woman is the primaryShow MoreRelatedThe Compassionate Sexist, By Ivona Hideg And D. Lance Ferris Examined Benevolent Sexism Essay1249 Words  | 5 PagesThe first article I reviewed from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology titled The Compassionate Sexist? How Benevolent Sexism Promotes and Undermines Gender Equality in the Workplace by Ivona Hideg and D. Lance Ferris examined benevolent sexism in the workplace. Benevolent sexism appears to promote gender equality, but it actually undermines it by contributing to gender segregation in the workplace. It contributes to keeping women in positions in which they are underrepresented, andRead MoreSexism And Discrimination Among Men And Fellow Women12 78 Words  | 6 Pagesbe worked around for certain work centers. Being an equal opportunity employer means there are team members of any age and all backgrounds. Sexism and discrimination among coworkers is not an everyday occurrence but there is a greater chance among a larger store. Women have fought for their right to vote, have a voice, and have equal rights as men. While the fight for equality in the workplace has come a long way, it is still lacking. Women are constantly facing sexism in the workplace from men andRead MoreDiscrimination Based On Gender And Gender Discrimination1574 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION: Gender discrimination, also known as sexism, refers to prejudice or discrimination based on sex and/ or gender, as well as conditions or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on gender (Women and Gender Discrimination). Sexism is a social injustice that is not applied only to women but, to men as well. Certain personalities and characteristics are expected from both genders starting as children. Little girls are expected to play with dolls, while little boys areRead MoreSexism, Prejudice, And Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex1610 Words  | 7 PagesSexism is the prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex. Sexism is regarded mostly towards women. Sexism affects everyone but not effecting everyone evenly. For women, they suffer from sexism socially, educational, political, religious, social, etc. The idea of sexism is that the men have more power than the women. Women get judged differently than men do. Women get judged in the workplace which limits them to certain jobs. The stereotypes that women are under are unbelievableRead MoreSexism, Discrimination, And Social Reform1671 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout history, sexism has went from being one of the most undiscussed topic to being one of the most diverse, controversial topics in the United States. Sexism can be described as â€Å"Unfair treatment of people because of their sex; especially; unfair treatment to women†(Merriam- Webster). Thesis Through the majority of the United States background, sexism was rarely spoken of. A majority of, people were not offended by the rights that they were not given, which in turn, never made women right’sRead More Sexism in the Workplace Essay505 Words  | 3 PagesSexism in the Workplace The workplace is the area in which sexism is most commonly found. Sexism is in evidence in unfair recruitment practices, unequal pay, and intimidating behavior towards colleagues. Legislation is now in place in many countries that prohibits unfair treatment of staff on the grounds of their sex. The problem with this legislation is that they are often difficult to apply. In 1970, the Equal Pay Act was introduced. It requiresRead MoreSexism Essay786 Words  | 4 PagesAn everlasting Conflict Sexism is categorized by extreme cases, but when in reality, both female and male parties execute sexism everyday even in the simplest forms. Though women tend to receive more grieve when it comes to sexist acts or sexist slurs made by men, the level of sexist disputes has decreases drastically with time. The play â€Å"Trifles†displays the major difference is the mindset of the split sexes. The setting presents a time when women were belittled and not taken seriously. SusanRead MoreSexism : Gender And Gender Inequality955 Words  | 4 Pages Sexism is a belief that one sex is better, superior, and valuable than the other sex. Sexism creates division in society, diminish productivity, opportunities adds negative treatment against a specific gender. According to merriam-webster dictionary Sexism is define as: unfair treatment of people because of their sex; especially : unfair treatmen of women†. Sexism is most commonly applied against females since women are consider the weaker sex. Men are perceived as the dominant gender over womenRead MoreThe Burden Of Benevolent Sexism Essay1006 Words  | 5 Pagesdecided to conduct my research on is titled The Burden of Benevolent Sexism: How it contributes to the maintenance of gender inequalities. The article is written and researched by Manuela Barreto and Naomi Ellemers from Leiden University in the Netherlands. The article examines benevolent sexism and how it contributes to the continuation of gender inequalities. It discusses the idea how we are less likely to chal lenge benevolent sexism due to the fact that we do not see it as a prejudice view or asRead MoreSexism Is The Discrimination Of One s Gender951 Words  | 4 PagesSexism is the discrimination of one s gender. Sexism has been around for a long time. Sexism is usually aimed towards women. People believe that women are fragile and cannot fend for themselves. No matter where anyone works there is some form of sexism taking place. Some jobs favor women over men and others do the complete opposite. Some jobs give all the heavy lifting to men and all the easy objectives to women. Many jobs do this all the time, which is not right to do to someone. A job should give
Thursday, May 14, 2020
My Cooperative Education An Intern At Volunteer Service...
1. Introduction My Cooperative education was completed as an intern at Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA), in Wellington. I was focusing on tourism, specifically voluntourism, and the establishment of learning journeys, VSA’s form of voluntourism. During this internship, I was mentored by the CEO, Gill Greer, which allowed me to observe her passion for sustainable development. Gill believes that the success of sustainable development can be achieved through improvement of human rights, health, education, and empowerment of women. Gill was an inspirational mentor, with incredible wisdom and advice to offer. I have learnt so much from Gill, and this experience has only fuelled my own passion for sustainable development and the empowerment of women. 2. Personal development. I believe that being abroad and fully immersing myself in the work environment, has allowed me to grow in numerous ways. From this experience, I have learnt invaluable skills that I would not have learnt elsewhere. In terms of personal development, self-development, Developing Relationships, Adaptability, Confidence, Initiative and Time Management were the primary skills that I learnt. There was an abundance of experiences that have triggered the development of these skills. 2.1 Self-development and Resilience A co-worker offered to provide a previous tourism related project, which was similar to that of the project I was working on. Yet, upon reading this project I discovered unmistakably overlapsShow MoreRelatedDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words  | 68 PagesFirst Year Resume Book 2009-2010 ABHINAV AGRAWAL 105 Ivy Drive Apt 09 ï‚ · Charlottesville, VA 22903 ï‚ · (434) 249-7645 ï‚ · EDUCATION Darden Graduate School of Business Administration University of Virginia Candidate for Master of Business Administration, May 2011 ï‚ · Awarded Batten Innovation Scholarship (merit-based full tuition scholarship); ï‚ · GMAT: 730; AWA: 5.5 ï‚ · Member of Finance Club, Energy Club and Darden Capital Management Club Charlottesville, VA NanyangRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pageson other diverse groups of employees. So that all employees were given opportunities to grow and learn, the Bank of Montreal’s Institute of Learning was established at a cost exceeding $50 million. The goal of providing five days of training and education to every employee each year has been met for several years. To focus on performance, each department and every employee have HR managers participate in developing strategies and ensure that human resource dimensions are considered. almost 18%Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesSenior Photo Editor Production Management Cover Design Cover Credit George Hoffman Lise Johnson Sarah Vernon Amy Scholz Laura Finley Dorothy Sinclair Sandra Dumas Susan McLaughlin Kevin Murphy Laura Ierardi Allison Morris Hilary Newman mb editorial services David Levy  ©Michael Eudenbach/Getty Images, Inc. This book was set in 10/12 ITC Legacy Serif Book by Aptaracorp, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. This book is printed on acid freeRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesLead Media Project Manager: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: Sharon Anderson/BookMasters, Inc. Composition: Integra Software Services Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Coral Graphics Text Font: 10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake StreetRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesYork San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: JudyRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesManagement, Eighth Edition Cachon and Terwiesch, Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management, Second Edition Finch, Interactive Models for Operations and Supply Chain Management, First Edition Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology, Seventh Edition Gehrlein, Operations Management Cases, First Edition Harrison and Samson, Technology Management, First Edition Hayen, SAP R/3 Enterprise Software: An Introduction, First Edition
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Notes On Economics And International Trade Theory
1. Scarcity: Insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth. 2. Opportunity Cost: The money or other benefits lost when pursuing a particular course of action instead of a mutually-exclusive alternative 3.Supply: The quantity of a commodity that is in the market and available for purchase or that is available for purchase at a particular price. 4. Demand: The desire to purchase, coupled with the power to do so; the quantity of goods that buyers will take at a particular price. 5. Price: The quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or services. 6. Absolute Advantage: An economy can produce a good for lower costs than another. It means that less resources are needed to produce the same amount of goods. 7. Comparative Advantage: The benefit or advantage of an economy to be able to produce a commodity at a lesser opportunity cost than other entities is referred to as comparative advantage in international trade theory. 8. Import: A good or service brought into one country from another. Along with exports, imports form the backbone of international trade. The higher the value of imports entering a country, compared to the value of exports, the more negative that country s balance of trade becomes. 9. Export: A function of international trade whereby goods produced in one country are shipped to another country for future sale or trade. 10. Free trade: Also called laissez-faire, a policy by which a government does notShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The International System1741 Words  | 7 Pagesof the strongest proponents of these changes. The study of the international system is comprised of many differing theories. These theories hypothesize the origin of international structure, events, and how states interact. Specifically, the varying theories present in international relations disagree on the causes of war. Political Realism has been the most dominant paradigm in the past 70 years of International Relations (Class Notes, August 31). This paradigm stresses the anarchic structure ofRead MoreRealist and Liberalist Perspectives of Globalization Essay examples738 Words  | 3 Pagesperspectives have different explanations as to why and how globalization evolved. Realists argue that international trade is most effective when there is hegemony in the world market, whereas liberalists believe that it is a matter of how countries use the idea of reciprocity in their decision about trade. I agree with the realist perspective because hegemony allows the global economy to enhance and international trade functions the best when a hegemon dominates the world market. Realist perspective explainsRead MoreInternational Legal Framework After World War II1254 Words  | 6 Pages2 Rationales for Trade and Investment Treaties (a) drawbacks of international legal framework after world war II After World War II, there were two drawbacks referring to the legal framework of international trade and investment. Firstly, although the GATT did exist as a response of the failure of the International Trade Organization (‘ITO’), it did not have a formal organizational structure to conduct its function. Besides, the GATT only covered goods and yet services, although the latter wasRead MoreThe Is The Optimistic View On The World1476 Words  | 6 Pagesview on the world; precisely human nature. Although instability exists in today’s society, a liberal attempts to restrict this instability. Liberalists believe, â€Å"Humans are, by nature, good; they are only led astray by fear and uncertainty†(Class notes, 9/21). They believe that every individual has good qualities, however they sense that fear and uncertainty serve as an obstacle in growth as a human being. Liberalism seeks progress and liberty, unlike realism, which pursues power and security . Read MoreThe Impact Of Technological And Commercial Effects On Economic Growth1642 Words  | 7 Pagespreferences, capacity for growth and development, scale of production and technology. This creates the basis for (international) trade which enables exchange and consumption of goods and services which they cannot produce, thereby enjoying variety of goods and services to improve the standard of living of their people. Some of the positive effects International trade (IT) have on economic growth (EG) were pointed out by Smith (1776) and this idea triumphed until World War II. The relationship betweenRead MoreWhat Are The Economic, Social And Political Reasons For Catalonia s Desire? Secede From Spain?1387 Words  | 6 Pages What are the economic, social and political reasons for Catalonia’s desire to secede from Spain? Since Catalonia’s post-Franco reinstatement in 1980, September 11th has been a day to celebrate the end of the War of the Spanish Succession. La Dia Nacional de Catalunya, or The National Day of Catalonia, has never been celebrated like it was on September 11th, 2012. An estimated 1.5 million people demanded independence for Catalonia on the streets of Barcelona, waving the new Catalan IndependenceRead MoreTheoretical Justification Of The Gravity Model1583 Words  | 7 Pagesattempts of using the model for forecasting purposes (Anderson, Van National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001, 189). Generally, the gravity model is used in explaining the underlying patterns between the involved countries. Initially, most economists used the models on empirical basis of market size and transportation cost. For many years, the mode has been successful in its accurate prediction of the trade flows between countries for the goods and services traded. However, most scholars believedRead MorePresidential Elections Are Not Isolated From National Or World Macro Events931 Words  | 4 Pagesthe nation and the globe play out with untold influence on economies and stock markets. International macro events are countless; they can even have an impact at a state level in the U.S. Below are a few examples of international macro events as derived from the California Department of Finance (CDOF) website â€Å"Chronology of Significant Events†: †¢ Global conflicts †¢ Foreign energy resources †¢ Foreign trade policies †¢ Foreign political events †¢ Emerging foreign national economies †¢ Troubled foreignRead MoreInternational Trade And The Global Marketplace1428 Words  | 6 Pagescountries are engaged to international trade in order to achieve economic growth, free trade agreement and financial liberalization has contributed to the opening up of world economies and resulted in more international trade. Countries use their comparative advantages to gain a positon in the global marketplace and achieve economic growth (Seyoum 2007). International trade is a critical resource of revenue earning for developing countries. However, the benefits realized from free trade are mostly enjoyedRead MoreCritical Thinking of Globalization1030 Words  | 5 Pagesprogression of unification of diverse countries across the globe enhanced by foreign trade, international investment, flow of technology and labour. Globalization has diversely affected the political, social, cultural condition of various countries in negative and positive manner. (1) (10) 2)Argument Against Globalization 2.1) Global Economic Recession- International Trade makes all countries dependent for trade on each other which has currently led to financial crises. For Example, Increase in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Black Boy And Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Example For Students
Black Boy And Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay I. Abstract This paper examines the drastic differences in literary themes and styles of Richard Wright and Zora Neale Hurston, two AfricanAmerican writers from the early 1900s. The portrayals of African-American women by each author are contrasted based on specific examples from their two most prominent novels, Native Son by Wright, and Their Eves Were Watching God by Hurston. With the intent to explain this divergence, the autobiographies of both authors Black Boy and Dust Tracks on a Road are also analyzed. Particular examples from the lives of each author are cited to demonstrate the contrasting lifestyles and experiences that created these disparities, drawing parallels between the authors lives and creative endeavors. It becomes apparent that Wrights traumatic experiences involving females and Hurstons identity as a strong, independent and successful Black artist contributed significantly to the ways in which they chose to depict African-American women and what goals they adhered to in reaching and touching a specific audience with the messages contained in their writing. Out of bitterness and rage caused by centuries of oppression at the hands of the white population, there has evolved in the African-American community, a strong tradition of protest literature. Several authors have gained prominence for delivering fierce messages of racial inequality through literature that is compelling, efficacious and articulate. One of the most notable authors in this classification of literature is Richard Wright, author of several pieces including his most celebrated novel, Native Son, and his autobiography, Black Boy. A man violently opposed to and deeply enraged by the injustice that is at the roots of the African-American struggle, Wright is also known for his harsh criticisms of any author whose work, in his opinion, downplays or completely ignores the plight faced by the African-American community. One such author, whose portrayal of the African-American woman as a heroine, thus stirring Wrights bitterest and deepest aversion and condemnation, is African-American female, Zora Neale Hurston. Like Wright, Hurston, also his contemporary, was a prolific artist, yet in a strikingly different style, and with drastically different thematic messages, she strayed from the tradition of bitterness and rage embraced by Wright. The study of African-American protest literature is useful in comprehending the depth of the racial plight in America. Richard Wright 1908-1960 and Zora Neale Hurston 1891-1960, two African-American authors sharing the same literary era, then, might be expected to produce similar works, if not in plot, then perhaps, and probably more likely, in theme. Typical African-American literature of this time period, especially that of Black males, carries strong messages of the injustice of racism, oppression and inequality in all facets of society. Zora Neale Hurston, however, chose an inherently different path. In the words of Missy Dehn Kubitschek, Their Eyes Were Watching God provides an emblem of Hurstons withdrawal from political concerns in favor of personal relationships 19. This course of action has warranted the intense criticism of Black males, among the harshest of whom was Richard Wright. In a review of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Wright contends that Miss Hurston can write; but her prose is cloaked in that facile sensuality that has dogged Negro expression. A major divergence of literary style is discovered when comparing both Hurstons and Wrights representations of female characters in their major novels, Their Eyes Were Watching God and Native Son, respectively. This deviation is almost entirely specific to the authors portrayal of African-American women. While a female is the central character of Hurstons novel, Wright consistently portrays women as hindrances to the ability of the African-American male to succeed despite the constraints created by white society. In order to discover some of the underlying origins of the very different gender roles in these two novels, a complementary comparison of the autobiographies of Wright and Hurston, Black Boy and Dust Tracks on a Road, respectively, is especially useful. Comparing A Lady of the Letters and Bed Amoung the lentils EssayHurston has portrayed a female character as an emergent heroine, a creator of her own destiny, and one who has mastered the journey for self-awareness. Says Mary Helen Washington in the Foreword of Their Eyes Were Watching God, for most Black women readers discovering Their Eyes for the first time, what was most compelling was the figure of Janie Crawford powerful, articulate, self-reliant, and radically different from any woman character they had ever before encountered in literature. Janie Crawford is defiant; she defies men, but most importantly, she defies our own preconceived notions of what the role of an African-American woman should be in modern literature. VIII. Conclusion Richard Wright was adamant in his belief that the African-American intellectuals had a responsibility to all of America to use their talent to convey the suffering of their people to the white world, to collaborate with the white world in the fight against war. In criticizing writers that did not adhere to his ideals, Wright virtually deemed the Black female experience as nonexistent. He attributed this largely to the lack of political themes and racial tensions in the works of many female Black authors, most notably Hurston. In choosing to focus on topics other than the racial plight as well as those that revolve around women, the Black female was often determined to be a traitor by the Black male, who considered her work to be in direct opposition to his own. Initially, it seems rather ironic that two authors who are considered contemporaries, should create such drastically different pieces of literature. One might expect both Wright and Hurston to possess a need to express, not only their anger at, but also their interpretations of, the oppression that plagued them, their families and their colleagues. This was Wrights mission; he considered it his obligation to inform the masses, to educate them, and in doing so, the traumas of his childhood emerged in his work. In the process of conveying the horror of the racial discrimination that threatened his own manhood, Wright included the influences of women as further impediments to his development. Careful analysis of Wrights autobiography strongly suggests that these portrayals of women paralleled the personalities of real women in his life. It is interesting then to examine what differences in Hurstons life urged her to create literature that celebrates the African-American female and vibrantly portrays her search for identity apart from the male community. Hurston was one of these strong women one who survived adversity, one who survived as an artist, one who survived without defining her identity based on that of a male companion. This, she decided, was worthy of written interpretation. Wright was decidedly unable to accept the African-American female as an individual as a feeling, thinking and wondering person who had the ability and often the desire to exist entirely separate from his life, or that of any other male. He never observed an independent female role model and was forced to identify the only women in his life with negative forces and ill will. Wright and Hurston existed in separate, and very different worlds, resulting in their failure to concur on what was an appropriate portrayal of the African-American woman in modern literature. Hurstons consciousness of the female experience, especially that of the African-American, is a major factor that sets her apart from her male contemporaries, especially Wright, whose own failure to acknowledge this due largely to his upbringing fueled his most intense criticism.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Persuasive Outline teen pregnancy Essay Example
Persuasive Outline teen pregnancy Paper By supporting the teaching of real life situations from sexual choices and education regarding pregnancy prevention, more teenagers will have access to appropriate information to make informed choices. Ill. A. Teenage pregnancy is a problem for all involved. It puts a great strain on not only the young mother, but also on her parents who, more often than not, end up with the new baby in their family home, often having to look after it while the babys parents are at school if they go back or try to work to support the new child. As well as the strain on basic tax payers who fund State Assistance funds that several young parents end up on. B. Teen pregnancies in todays society have become a growing issue and have been brought to the limelight with media attention so it is important to teach our ids the reality of their choices by providing education and real life information regarding their choices. Showing the teens what life is like after the baby is born in real life as opposed to what they imagine and see on TV would create an impact. C. When we have more comprehensive education available to the teenagers, they will be able to see what consequences their choices would have on not only their futures but can see how their choices would impact all of those around them. With the right information given to them they will be able to make more informed decisions which will let them eave better careers, and society will benefit as a whole. Body I. Teenage pregnancy is a problem for all involved. It puts a great strain on it while the babys parents are at school if they go back or try to work to State Assistance funds that several young parents end up on. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Outline teen pregnancy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Outline teen pregnancy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Outline teen pregnancy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A. Although rates here are declining, the U. S. Has the highest rates of teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion in the industrialized world. In fact, the LLC. S. Teen pregnancy and birth rates are nearly double Canadas, at least four times those of France and Germany, and more than eight times that of Japan. 5) 1. A new study by the Stomacher Institute states that a leading reproductive health research and advocacy group estimates that unintended pregnancies cost U. S. Taxpayers an estimated $1 1. 1 billion dollars a year. Nearly two-thirds of unintended pregnancies roughly a million births are publicly funded by Medicaid and other government programs. (6) B. Out of high school drop outs, pregnant teens are the most likely to do so. Because of this, young teen mothers are more likely to encounter financial struggles and economic insecurity as they try to raise their child. According to a recent study, many pregnant teens and teen mothers report they would have stayed in school if they had received greater support from the adults at the school. 7) 1. It is listed that 70% of all the students that drop out early due so due to teen pregnancy. And currently only of teens that are pregnant finish school and do not drop out. II. Teen pregnancies in todays society have become a growing issue and have been brought to the limelight with media attention so it is important to teach our kids the reality of their choices by providing education and real life information regarding their choice. Showing the teens what life is like after would create an impact. A. According to a study in 2008 there is increasing evidence that youth exposure to sexual content on television shapes sexual attitudes and behavior in a manner that may influence reproductive health outcomes (1) 1 Today it is hard to find a person who hasnt seen or at least heard of the TV shows, 16 and Pregnant or Teen Mom, which puts a positive spin on teen pregnancy, but what the teens that are obsessed with these shows dont think about is not every situation has the same outcome as in hose shows. . Adolescents who are exposed to more sexual content in the media, and who perceive greater support from the media for teen sexual behavior, report greater intentions to engage in sexual intercourse and more sexual activity. Mass media are an important context for adolescents sexual colonization, and media influences should be considered in research and interventions with early adolescents to reduce sexual activity. (2) II. When we have more comprehensive education available to the teenagers, they will be able to see what consequences their choices would have on not only their futures but can see how their choices would impact all of those around them. With the right information given to them they will be able to make more informed decisions which will let them have better careers, and society will benefit as a whole. A. Abstinence only sexual education programs are not effective in preventing teenage pregnancy. In fact there is not any proof that it is any kind of deterrent for any sexual activity. There are several theories that when Youth are told not to do something it pushes them into doing it faster. B. Evaluations of comprehensive sex education programs show that these programs can help youth delay onset of sexual activity, reduce the frequency of sexual activity, reduce number of sexual partners, and increase condom and contraceptive use. Importantly, the evidence shows youth who receive comprehensive sex education are NOT more likely to become sexually active, increase sexual activity, or experience negative sexual health outcomes Conclusion not only the young mother, but also On her parents who, more Often than it while the babys parents are at school if they go back or while they try to org to support the new child. As well as the strain on basic tax payers who fund State Assistance funds that several young parents end up on. B. Teen pregnancies in todays society have become a growing issue and have WOOL_SLD create an impact. C. When we have more comprehensive education available to the teenagers, II. I know that I am asking you to think about a topic that for a lot of people is a Taboo subject and there are some of you out there that dont see any problems at all with the way things are now. Just imagine that it is your child,
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Why you should go to college Essay Example
Why you should go to college Essay Example Why you should go to college Essay Why you should go to college Essay Matthew Baker 11/14/13 1st block Why You Should Go To College Why should you go to college? There are a lot of reasons for and against this question. Like how much will it cost or will I be more successful. College is necessary for a better future. First off college is necessary because it promotes discipline, maturity, and independence. More college students are successful in life because they have matured through college. They have four years with responsibilities that only high school graduates have not had. Having to get to classes without being late, having no parents to get them where they need to be, and having o manage their time to successfully graduate. College graduates have better opportunities than only high school graduates. They have more opportunities in the work force. They also dont make as much as college graduates you should go to college because it opens up a world of greatness for the person who get a masters or doctoral degree. Those degrees make a lot of difference in an interview and on a resume a degree looks great. Many people say that they would rather hire someone with a college degree rather than Just a high school graduate. College graduates have ore Job opportunities as in a Doctor or a Lawyer which make over six figures in their annual paychecks. This leads to a more prosperous life and possibly a happier and more successful life. Also the Doctors and Lawyers are widely respected in our society so that helps sometimes. Lastly, college education is becoming more of a requirement for Jobs. Every day more and more Jobs are becoming to where to get a job there you have to have at least a Bachelors or Associates degree. In my future my job requires a masters and a law degree but I would go for my Doctorate Just for the extra education. I believe you should go to college.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Regions of Europe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Regions of Europe - Research Paper Example The diversified nature of the Vojvodina can be well grasped with the presence of well over 26 ethnic groups within the region that has left the region with no other option but to give a total of six languages the status of the official language. If Vojvodina is an autonomous province within Serbia then Kosovo moves even a step further. Kosovo is an all together disputed territory after the break up of Yugoslavia. It claims itself as Republic of Kosovo yet has managed only partial recognition till date. Serbia claims it a region under UN control and does not confer the republican status to Kosovo. Both these places of Serbia (leaving the ambiguity of past and present aside), namely Vojvodina and Kosovo attracts attention owing to their unique existence. The present paper will highlight both these places in terms of their location, geography, history demography, major cities and economy; starting with Vojvodina. Vojvodina Location: Vojvodina is placed at the northern part of Serbia. To be precise it is in the famous Pannonian Plain of Central Europe. The total area of the region is 21,506 kilometers that accounts for one fourth of the total Serbian territory. Vojvodina has common boundaries with Hungary (North), Romania (East), Croatia (West) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (South West). (Bogunovic) Map of Vojvodina (ADAGIO) Geography: Before explaining the topography of the region, it is important to highlight the reasons behind such topography. As mentioned earlier that the region is a part of the Pannonin plain, hence it shares mostly a flat landscape with fertile soil well suited for cultivation. Again Danube, Sava and Tisza the three main rivers that run through the region have divided it into three geographical regions, namely Backa, Banat and Syrmia. Though it has been mentioned earlier that the region demonstrates a predominantly flat landscape but owing to the presence of Fruska Gora Mountain in Syrmia region and Vrsacke Planine Mountain at South East Banat, topography of both the regions differs from that of Vojvodina in general. (Bogunovic) One of the distinctive features of the place is the presence of a wet land amidst the region. Gornje Podunavlje which was designated as a wetland around four years back in 2007 has an area of 224.8 square kilometres and is the largest in Serbia. A much smaller wet land with 9.76 square kilometres of area Slano Kopovo also is in Vojvodina. (Serbia) Vojvodina’s climate is shaped by the air from northern and western Europe that results in a continental climate all over the place. The annual average temperature is 11.0 degree centre grade. In January it is lowest at -0.7 degree centre grade and in July it is highest at 21.3 degree centre grade. Annual precipitation is 602.0 mm with a relative humidity of 75%. Evaporation at the mentioned place is 738 mm on an average. It is worth mentioning that the above cited climate related statistics is an average of 50 years (1949-1999) over 12 places. (ADA GIO) History: The area shares a rich history and from ancient times it has been handed over from one monarchy to the other. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was last of the monarchs who were in charge of Vojvodina. After the collapse of the Empire at the end of First World War the region became a part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Later (1929-1941) it became known as
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1
Business plan - Essay Example The Encore Specialty Coffee shop is a substitute to other coffee shops because it offers its customers a refined and calmer environment. The cafà © does not have televisions or radios. There is subtle music that plays in the background. Also, the pictures of local musicians are displayed on the walls. The cafà © has overstuffed leather seats and sofas that are like a library. While it pays homage to past times, the cafà © is at the technological cutting edge because it has Wi-Fi and the most modern espresso machines. The Encore Specialty Coffee Shop measures its success based on whether its market share increases, leading to a rise in earnings. Currently, it has a local market share valued at  £40 million. Its success arises from the fact that it offers quality coffee and leverages on its small workforce. The cafà © selects the best coffee beans from the distributors in Middlesex. Encore enjoys larger profits because of its small size and, thus, lower overhead. Its management handpicks the baristas and offers them salaries that equal other chains. The research was aimed at determining the market size, competition, business opportunity and market analysis of the coffee industry in the UK. Several research tools were used. First, all the coffee cafes in Liverpool were profiled. Particulars that were studied included their size, the number of employees, and the array of products they offer. Other information that was collected included their annual revenue, business philosophy and anticipation for the future. A lot of traveling was done to different parts of the city. Questionnaires and interviews were created to get the most relevant information on the interviewees. They included the customers that frequented this coffee house, the employees, and the management. Questions regarding the products that were stocked other than coffee to carry out co-marketing were asked. The internet was used to
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Ted Huges Hawk Roosting Essay Example for Free
Ted Huges Hawk Roosting Essay Hughes uses animals in order to explore the nature of man. Discuss with reference to a poem from the anthology. Throughout the poems of Ted Hughes the theme of animals comes about. No more so in the poem hawk roosting. This poem explores the key aspects of human nature, both positive and negative. The theme is arrogance and the nasty side of nature. This is unlike his other poems such as work and play, which seems to show nature is better than human life. For example in the line â€Å"but the holiday people are laid out like wounded†of work and play. Hawk roosting has a negative perspective on nature because it uses such words as â€Å"death†and â€Å"kills and eat†. The poem is from the hawks perspective which allows the reader to empathises and relate to the hawk, for example it says â€Å"I sit top of the wood†. The use of the 1st person gives the reader the impression that the hawk may be arrogant, and in many ways possess the same qualities as a dictator e.g. â€Å"Earth’s face upward for my inspection†The use of the word my means he thinks he is above the world, in both ways. The hawk seems omnipotent and it shows arrogance. The hawk was a sign of Nazi Germany and with Ted Hughes born during world war 2, may be the reason he wants the hawk to be a item of arrogance and have the same traits as a dictator. The idea that if the reader were to replace the hawk, with a person, it would make little difference to the theme of the poem This shows that Ted is trying to say as in so many of his poems â€Å"harvest moon†â€Å"work and play†That both man and natures are closely inter-wound, and that animals and man alike can show the same mental and physical traits. The language used in the poem seems to show a lot of arrogance from bird to the rest of nature. It is set in the 1st person to show that the bird seems to be the only important thing in the woods, and everything else, including the world is benith him for example the line â€Å"
Monday, January 20, 2020
Calpine and Cisco Debate Over Coyote Valley :: Metcalf Energy Center Pollution Essays
Calpine and Cisco debate over Coyote Valley Throughout the years the technology industry has been growing with incredible speed expanding all over California. San Jose is known as the capital of Silicon Valley where major technology companies and start-ups call home. With fast spreading companies it is necessary to have enough power in San Jose to supply the increase in energy demand. Recently there was a plan proposed to the City of San Jose by Calpine Corporation to build a power plant in Coyote Valley. Nearby residents and several other organizations, including Mayor Ron Gonzales, are against this plan due to environmental hazards and safety precautions with schools and residents. It is possible the power plant can bring to San Jose several positive outcomes that will help develop the city into the center of the technology world. Although the power plant sounds like it would benefit San Jose by creating jobs and providing energy, the Metcalf Energy Center can cause severe consequences to the city in the future. The power plant is expected to bring more jobs to San Jose during the construction phase. â€Å"This project also promises to save customers in California up to $1.8 billion dollars by 2010†(Levey 1) . There certainly is a very high demand in power with the growing technology industry. The state of California fears that if the power plant is not built there will be a shortage of power in the state. â€Å"If the San Jose City Council decides not to rezone land for the project, the state could take the unprecedented step of overriding a community's opposition to a new power plant. California has faced persistent power shortages this year. And state analysts already have recommended approving the project†(Levey 1) . If Calpine get approval to begin constructing the power plant, San Jose will have several problems in the future. Ethical Issues Is it ethical to build a power plant that will pollute the air and possibly hurt the health of nearby residents? If the power plant is built in San Jose there are people who say that the environment would rapidly degrade the South Bay. City officials are questioning whether the 600-megawatt power plant will give off small amounts of pollutants. Calpine and Cisco Debate Over Coyote Valley :: Metcalf Energy Center Pollution Essays Calpine and Cisco debate over Coyote Valley Throughout the years the technology industry has been growing with incredible speed expanding all over California. San Jose is known as the capital of Silicon Valley where major technology companies and start-ups call home. With fast spreading companies it is necessary to have enough power in San Jose to supply the increase in energy demand. Recently there was a plan proposed to the City of San Jose by Calpine Corporation to build a power plant in Coyote Valley. Nearby residents and several other organizations, including Mayor Ron Gonzales, are against this plan due to environmental hazards and safety precautions with schools and residents. It is possible the power plant can bring to San Jose several positive outcomes that will help develop the city into the center of the technology world. Although the power plant sounds like it would benefit San Jose by creating jobs and providing energy, the Metcalf Energy Center can cause severe consequences to the city in the future. The power plant is expected to bring more jobs to San Jose during the construction phase. â€Å"This project also promises to save customers in California up to $1.8 billion dollars by 2010†(Levey 1) . There certainly is a very high demand in power with the growing technology industry. The state of California fears that if the power plant is not built there will be a shortage of power in the state. â€Å"If the San Jose City Council decides not to rezone land for the project, the state could take the unprecedented step of overriding a community's opposition to a new power plant. California has faced persistent power shortages this year. And state analysts already have recommended approving the project†(Levey 1) . If Calpine get approval to begin constructing the power plant, San Jose will have several problems in the future. Ethical Issues Is it ethical to build a power plant that will pollute the air and possibly hurt the health of nearby residents? If the power plant is built in San Jose there are people who say that the environment would rapidly degrade the South Bay. City officials are questioning whether the 600-megawatt power plant will give off small amounts of pollutants.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Billabong Analysis
Billabong International Limited is an Australian based clothing company that established its business in 1980’s and expanded internationally through its franchises and acquisitions. The business is engaged in the marketing, distribution, wholesaling and retailing of apparel, eyewear, accessories, wetsuits and hard goods in the boardsports sector under the Billabong, Element, Von Zipper, Honolua Surf, Kustom, Palmers Surf, Xcel, Tigerlily, Sector 9 and RVCA brands (Billabongbiz, 2013). The company is headquartered in Queensland, Australia with 6,000 employees and they operate across many countries such as Australia, North America, Europe, Japan and the rest of the world.Billabong has emerged a number of sports and youth labels such as RVCA, and Surjection (Billabongbiz, 2013). They continue to expand their brand image by sponsoring promotional events and some of the athletes. The rival brands of Billabong are Quicksilver and Rip Curl as these companies are iconic surf brands . In order to perform Billabong International Limited effectively, the board of directors are structured into six non-executive directors, two executive directors and the chairman who are responsible for the shareholders of Billabong. However, due to recent recession, the new CEO, Launa Inman, has been appointed.2 – Financial AnalysisThe profitability performance of Billabong International Limited is not effective as it is -45.71% in Q2, 2013 (Google Finance, 2013). Similarly, net profit margin of the company is -50.72% which represents the profit after subtracting the indirect expenses. Overall profit performance is showing a negative sign and the firm have experienced shrinking sales and rising debts. However, with respect to gross profit margin, it shows a positive figure as it amounts to 50.21% in Q2, 2013.This shows that the profitability after accounting for the cost of goods sold is good and highly effective for the company, but the negative net profit implies that the indirect expenses of the company are significantly higher. The plans of the company are to focus on its core brands in the next four years, cut styles by 15% and achieve improvement in its supply chain for both the wholesale and retail operations2.1 Identification and evaluation of Billabong’s global strategyThe marketing mix helps a business to determine its sales and finally determine the success or failure of a business. For this reason, it is the most essential element of business when determining a marketing plan. Billabong International Limited makes broad use of the marketing mix in their marketing plan.Billabong International Limited has diversified their product range not only related to surfing. Their positioning strategy is a high quality, high priced, fashionable product. Billabong gains customer satisfaction by offering quality products that is not vulnerable or ruined easily despite the harsh conditions of many of their products intended uses, such as swimme rs, skis and snowboards. Billabong has been successful in making brand images by appealing as an internationally known for professional surfing, and through its wave logo and sponsorship of international events.By doing this, it has not only gained international markets, however it has also become a prestige and status symbol for its target market. The product and positioning of Billabongs products is the most important element in its marketing mix as it ensures the long term survival of the company and continued high sales. By meeting customer demand, positioning itself as a well-known and trusted brand with a vast amount of prestige it has ensured that sales remain high.2.1.2 PromotionBillabong uses a strong promotion mix to highlight and reinforce its image and product. A combination of an interactive website, promotional magazines and flyers, personal in store selling and strong public relations through both sponsorship of sporting events and famous athlete using Billabong produ cts have generated a strong brand images amongst its industry. Billabongs sponsorship of international sporting events and sporting stars also helps to promote their brand not only in Australia but also on the international market as well.2.1.3 PriceBillabong uses a competition-based pricing method in which it sets its prices at a similar level to those of its competitors to ensure that their customers will not wish to buy the cheaper products. However, Billabong is awkwardly positioned between Rip Curl and Quicksilver. Especially wetsuits and women’s jeans are higher than Quicksilver’s. They rarely use below market value pricing to avoid creating a image of less prestigious products.Surf brands – Average price comparison(Source: EDITD, 2013)2.1.4 PlaceBillabong uses various methods to ensure that their product reaches the market place. With stores in more than 100 countries Billabong uses wholesalers to ensure that their products reach the retailers. Billabongs positioning also comes into effect with place as it must ensure that its product remains out of discount and department stores and remains only in specialty stores. Because of this Billabong has adopted an exclusive distribution network where the product is only available in specialty surf shops.2.2 – SWOT AnalysisA business can implement a SWOT analysis to decide which marketing strategy to apply.2.3 – Current Target MarketBillabong is a brand which offers various types of products designed to accommodate various lifestyles. Their extensive product ranges are for surfers, boarders, beach lovers, and the sensible fashion people. Even though it is difficult to identify comprehensive characteristics of this industry, the majority of consumers are males and females who are aged between 14 and 29. (Goldcoast, 2013)According to Australian Business Solution (2011), there are an increasing number of casual dress codes at Australian workplaces and social gatherings which has led to a high demand for affordable and modern look at workplaces. Billabong’s new casual-line is aiming to meet such demand and targeting office workers.Due to Billabong’s sports image, it has been entrenched in consumers’ mind especially among teenagers and youths. When these consumers grow older, they will be pleased to see Billabong to provide expanded casual-line offering to meet their new needs. The new product line is a modern, up-scale look but also inexpensive casual dress codes at workplaces. Therefore, it will better resonate with age group 25 to 39 years old who have built careers and gained stronger buying power.2.4 – Reasons for Billabong’s international expansionAustralia has small population compare to other regions that place significant restrictions on its total sales revenue and Billabong’s future objectives. Billabong’s expansion helped to boost their total sales revenue by over 70% in 2003-04. Increase in sales ha s also allowed the firm to lower its production cost by achieving economies of scale and lower risks. In 2003, Billabong adapted video conference technology in order to make the communication and exchange of ideas across the world for its overseas offices easier.Furthermore, by working in more than 100 countries obtained cushion impacts of the entry of a new competitor and economic cycle into any of their industries. Global expansion supported the extension product life cycle for numerous products and easier access to resources and technology.3. Identification and evaluation of the external environmentTo better understand Billabong’s global expansion strategy, both Porters Five Forces and a PESTEL analysis will be undertaken.3.1 – Porters Five Forces3.1.1 The CompetitionSince 1970s, there was a significant rising popularity of the beach and surfing, and then three major companies (Billabong, Quicksilver and Rip Curl) have become a symbolic of surfing. These brands mana ge to establish strong credibility within surfing subculture and it was also equally consumable by non-surfers who identified with the lifestyle. In the 1990s and 2000s, Billabong started to aggressively pursue international expansion by emerging sports and youth labels such as RVCA and Nixon watches to gain market share. However, in 2012, there was a significant loss of $287m. (Billabongbiz, 2013)3.1.2 New EntrantsThere is still room for a new entrant as the global demand for surfing apparel is expected to remain strong. For instance, Hollister – Abercrombie & Fitch started off with a local manufacture that successfully moved into surfing clothes and retailing. Moreover, smaller brands like Byron Bay label, Afends has dramatically grown in the last decades by selling its products through independent and online stores. Afrends gained reputations among young surfers and skaters from Australia and California.3.1.3 Suppliers PowerAs Billabong has become an internationally wel l-known brand, they outsource its manufacturing by using small to mid-sized companies in order to keep economies of scale. Billabong uses Hong Kong as the central sourcing division to provide most of its products to Australia and New Zealand. These suppliers have no bargaining powers.3.1.4 Consumers PowerDue to the size of Australia population, consumers actually have not enough bargaining power. However, to the global extent, consumers are likely to find other tailors which would provide products that would be cheaper than existing ones.3.1.5 Product SubstitutesAccording to the Urban Market Research (UMR) survey, findings indicate that Nike (13%) has overtaken the lead from Billabong (10%) as the best choice for Australia’s youth. Other rival brands such as Quicksilver and Rip Curl have also expanded their popularity. Young females prefer ‘disposable fashion’ with affordable price such retailers like Cotton on and Supre. Country Road and Colorado would be other substitutes for Billabong, but it has different quality and style compare to Billabong.3.2 – Industry Analysis3.3 – PESTEL Analysis3.3.1 – Political factorsBenefit from the worldwide trade barriers which allowed exportation procedures much easier for Billabong International Limited to other regions. The rate of import duty decreased from 17.5% in 2005 to 10% in 2010 as the Australian governments maintained tariff barriers for protecting the domestic clothing and manufacturing industry. (Wellers, S., 2007) The announcement of bilateral trade agreements by World Trade Orgainisation (WTO) has affected Billabong International Limited. Since 2005, all Australian businesses required to produce their financial reports to International Financial Reporting Standards. Hence, it makes easier for Australian accounting standards into global practices and cost of implementation was significant.3.3.2 – Economic factorsThe growing popularity of surfing and skateboardi ng has been impacted by improvement in standard of living and the consumer spending power. As Billabong International’s products are distributed in more than 100 countries and the majority of the revenue is generated by other regions, the firm is continually influenced by fluctuations in currency. Every each year, value of earnings has shown loss when it was reported in Australian dollars. From the global point of view, Billabong’s global expansion was encouraged by its high incomes from Asia and South America that enabled to create new markets.3.3.3 – Social factorsBillabong’s brand awareness has been influenced by the growing popularity of surfing and skateboarding among the broader community. Identifying customer tastes were depends on various types of traditions and cultures. For instance, U.S preferred bright colours products while Australia preferred faded and weather beaten colours. Complications in writing contracts with different languages have e ncouraged the firm’s ability to operate in global markets. – errors on contracts could lead to future conflicts. Difference in oragnisational culture and practices on different regions are their major concerns. For instance, Australia has relaxed working environment while U.S and Japan are more intense. Further, European countries are imposed on limiting working hours by governments.3.3.4 – Technological factorsCable television and internet has attracted millions of new customers in surfing and skateboarding which helped Billabong’s products market towards a wider customer base. E-commerce has simplified the logistical and oragnisational difficulties when operating a global business.3.3.5 – Environmental factorsConsumers pay more attention on environmentally friendly products – source of materials, where materials are sourced, and whether production processes have negative impacts on the environment.3.3.6 – Legal factorBillabong ensur es to protect intellectual property rights issues such as brand logo, names and trademarks from unauthorised piracy.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about Reagan and Gorbachev - 806 Words
Reagan and Gorbachev During his first term, Reagan denounced the pre-Gorbachev Soviet Union as an evil empire. The Cold War took place between the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from the mid 1940’s to the early 1990s. It was a â€Å"cold war†in the sense that there was never any military engagement between the US and the USSR, but during the Cold War both superpowers invested in many different weapons. The Cold War finally started to wind down in the late 1980’s due to Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev’s cooperation. In 1971, Mikhail Gorbachev had been chosen to the Key Panel, which was comprised of chosen international team members that produced selections for that Party as well as have been in†¦show more content†¦To the immense big amaze of each gent’s agents, the 2 agreed in theory in order to be able for you to help getting rid of INF methods through Europe and to equivalent worldwide restrictions associated with A hundred INF rocket payloads. Additionally they essentially arranged in principle to eliminate just about almost most nuclear weapons at 10 years (by 1996), rather than through the 2000 such as Gorbachevs original summarize. Ongoing believe in problems, specifically over relation and Presidents Strategic Security Effort (SDI), resulted in the actual peak is frequently thought to be a failure because of not less than making a concrete floor contract instantly, or for leading to a staged removal of nuclear guns. Ultimately, nevertheless, this could climax in the signi ng from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987, following Gorbachev acquired suggested this particular removal in 22 This summer 1987. Ronald Reagan recognized the modification toward the actual Soviet management having Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as now uses diplomacy, having a view in order to be able for you to help motivate the particular Soviet leader to go after significant arms contracts. Reagans personal objective was to attain a global free from atomic power weapons, that he or this individual regarded as completely unreasonable, completely inhumane, great for just eliminating, possibly destructive associatedShow MoreRelatedThe Defining Era Of Summits : Reagan And Gorbachev1547 Words  | 7 PagesThe Defining Era of Summits: Reagan Gorbachev No era of Summitry was as eventful as that of Reagan and Gorbachev’s. 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Zachary Gee Teacher: Mr. Michael Peters History IB HL: Internal Assessment School: Old Scona Academic High School March 8th, 2015 IB Number: 000161-0030 Word Count: 1997 Section A: Plan of Investigation This investigation examines to what extent did the four summits between President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev from 1985-1988 contributeRead MoreThe United States And Soviet Union Essay1654 Words  | 7 Pagesrhetoric of the Reagan administration, the United States and Soviet Union modified their perceptions of each other’s intentions following 1985’s Reykjavik Summit, which, despite producing no tangible results, established common desire for arms reduction and a conclusion of the Cold War. This warming of relations, however, increased at a gradual rate and encountered significant hurdles as the two nations attempted to limit the potential for thermonuclear war. Ultimately, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev’sRead MoreRonald Reagans Role in Ending the Cold War Essay1108 Words  | 5 PagesIn the minds of many Americans Ronald Reagan is the president that ended the Cold War, but is this view accurate? They claim Reagans unprecedented military spending forced the Soviets to crumble. However, many critics of the presidents outspending theory claim that the Russian economy would have imploded without such spending, and a military buildup of that kind did nothing but delay peace. Although, Reagans willingness to negotiate was a clear factor in ending the Cold War, his aggressive armsRead MoreEssay on The Rise and Fall of Mikhail Gorbachev1417 Words  | 6 PagesMikhail Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931, in Privolnoye, Russia. In 1961, he became a delegate to the Communist Party Congress. He was elected general secretary in 1985. He became the first president of the Soviet Union in 1990, and won the Nobel Prize for Peace that same year. He resigned in 1991, and has since founded the Gorbachev Foundation and remains active in social and political causes. EARLY LIFE Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931, to a Russian-Ukrainian family inRead MoreReagan And The Soviet Union1656 Words  | 7 PagesIn the year 1981, the American, anti-communist Ronald Reagan became president of the United States (Doc 70, pg.426). During the first term of his presidency, Reagan expressed a great sense of danger and threat that was deeply embedded in his general convictions regarding the nature of communism, particularly, in the Soviet Union (Renshon and Larson, pg.15). However, Reagan eventually began to express alternative views in his second term of presidency. He significantly altered his perception of theRead MoreThe World Through Freedom And Democracy : A Critical Analysis866 Words  | 4 Pagesa symbol of democracy and freedom on a global scale. Reagan examines the ideological barriers of the Cold War, which are defined in the Berlin Wall as a division between communism and democracy. President Reagan was a pivotal leader for democracy d uring the Cold War, since his primary goal was to defeat communism around the world. More importantly, Reagan took a pre-emptive rhetorical risk in openly challenging Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall as a pre-emptive Cold War policyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Ronald Reagan Essay examples660 Words  | 3 Pageswith the Communists, but the Communist weren’t persuaded. In 1987, Ronald Reagan used emotion, logic, and intellect to persuade the Soviets that tearing down the wall would help make Berlin prosperous. June 12, 1987, Ronald Reagan gave his famous â€Å"Tear Down this Wall†speech in Berlin. Many people in Germany were ready for freedom and others wanted it as well. Many people felt there should be peace within the city. Ronald Reagan wanted to persuade the Soviets and Communists that change and opennessRead MoreRelationship between the United States and the Soviet Union1325 Words  | 5 PagesDespite the unsuccessful past during the Cold War years between the United States and the Soviet Union, President Ronald Reagan and his counterpart the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev during the 1980s should have focused on bright future by reducing the nuclear arms, because having a partnership, friendship and the common goal will move two nations toward success. On 1985, in an effort to improve the international situation, the United States and the
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